Monday, November 16, 2009

Rewriting "Spencer throws a rock"

I realized when looking over my first draft, it is not broken up very well into paragraphs. My writing often goes into stream of consciousness long sentences and paragraphs, something I have been guilty of ever since grade school. So this is a part of a paragraph.

Timmy has just pushed Spencer down the sliding boards and everyone has laughed at and taunted Spencer with their "Spencer is a doodie-face" song.


So I threw a rock at him and hit him in the nose and he started bleeding and he started crying like a little biatch and told on me. A little blood and he goes all soft, effin loser. The other kids stopped the dumb doodieface song in fear of my mighty arm, and resumed playing as if nothing ever happened.

The Remix:

Timmy was still pointing and laughing at me from the top of the sliding board. More kids were starting to gather around at the foot of the sliding board joining in on the doodieface song as I was hastily brushing the dirt off my face and clothes. Nobody calls Spencer Grigsby a doodie face. I had to set them straight. Let everyone know I was no doodie face at all. GrownUps try to keep the play area free of dangerous materials, so that's why I always bring my own. I always keep a small rock in my pocket for emergencies and now was the time to use it. It's about the size of a gumball so it's rarely detected. My heart was racing as I reached inside my right pants pocket. I felt like I was transforming into a raging beast, kind of like the Incredible Hulk. I growled a deep threatening growl at Timmy, my teeth clenched in anger. I began taking huge breaths and standing up taller and I sensed the kids around me could see and feel the transformation occuring right before their eyes. Timmy was too busy laughing at me to realize it though. With a super quick move (and impeccable aim I must add), I launched the rock directly at Timmy's stupid face. BAM! Got him right in the nose! Owned! He was so shocked he lost his balance and fell back from the top of the sliding board right onto the ground. A hush went over the crowd of kids. Total silence. Timmy started to get up, holding his nose. He looked in his hands, saw what must have been a speck of blood and freaked. Wailed like a brand new baby. I looked around at the other kids, daring them to tattle. They all went back to playing like nothing ever happened.

Now I think that's too long and there's probably more fat to trim. *sigh*

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