Monday, October 26, 2009

Meet Harvey J. Mills

notes from the podcast exercise (to be fleshed out later with dialogue and character description)
setting - down the street from my house
what comfortable thing i'm wearing - my jogging suit and sneakers, going out for a walk
weather is autumn, a warm day for october in mn, but not too warm
sound is repetitive huuuuum-huh, huuuum-huh, huuuum-huh (think of how to describe this using more aural sensory descriptions)

turn the corner and see a man in his mid-forties, with a combover of about 12 strands of hair that only draws more attention to his shiny balding head. he stands about 5'9", hunched over, sitting at the bus stop, in a light brown suit from 1980 with diagonally striped dark orange and white tie, white shirt, with not a wrinkle in sight, polished brown dress shoes and socks to match the suit. Glasses that look too big for his face, the kind that have the bridge at the top of the frame, and the top of the frame is a straight line, but the bottom of the frame is more round. The forehead is wrinked, the eyes we can't really see because his head is lowered, he is looking at a crack in the pavement on the sidewalk. His mouth is closed, actually clenched shut. Lips are pressed together, brow wrinkled, as if he's deep in thought. His arms are folded, he is clutching the sleeves of his jacket on either side, his fingers almost forming fists around the fabric. His legs are spread apart at shoulder's width, feet pointed slightly outwards. He is slightly rocking back and forth as he hums, tapping his foot with each rock.
I say "Good morning"
He says nothing. Keeps humming.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Making a Shapely Onion

I'm the Map, I'm the Map, I'm the Map, I'm the Map, I'm the Map!

Inspiration from Dora the Explorer's Map song.


So this is Tolkien's world, but I shall endeavor to create my own story using it...

Dialog. Level 3.

A began stroking B's long thick hair and stared into B's sparkling blue eyes. "You make me feel like no one else can." A said. "Its a reflection of the joy you bring me" B lovingly replied. With that they began the course of lovemaking and found themselves playing the game they enjoyed with as much passion as they did the lovemaking itself. 
"Oh, don't touch me there idiot!" B squirmed. "What the hell are you doing, checking the fruit for ripeness?" 
"I'm just making sure they don't roll off the bed and fall on the floor, lard ass, " A retorted as he smacked B's ass.
"Oh nice, give me a flashback to those heinous nuns smacking me with rulers in grade school. Yeah, you really know how to work me lover boy."
"Like you're doing any better rug, all you know how to do is lie there."

Aha! Take a Snapshot of the Bear at the Door!

Menu of Concerns

more to come

Making a Shapely Specimen

coming soon...